Sunday, August 22, 2010


I am a list person. I do things so much more efficiently if I have made a list of all the things that I need to accomplish.

A couple days ago, while praying and studying in my morning quiet time, I decided to make a list of all the things I could be thinking about/doing in preparation for my future.

As much as I am looking forward to marriage, moving out, etc. I think it will be a MAJOR wake up call. I have taken so many things for granted. My parents have provided lots of things for me up to this point in my life, so what will I truly be getting myself into when I am out "on my own"?

Here are a few things on my list:
1. Make a list of expenses in running my own home (try to get accurate dollar amounts)
2. Make a schedule/list of things/responsibilities I will have when I am in charge of my own home.
3. Make a list of the necessary items "we" (we being my husband and I *sigh*) will need to start out in a new home.
4. a. Create a budget with the above things I have learned.
4. b. What would it be like to add a child to the mix?
5. Grocery list! What will I need to be shopping and clipping coupons for?
6. Wedding list and budget!! :) (I, of course, had to throw something fun into this new reality)

And I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Whoa! MAJOR wake up call. These are things I had not given even the slightest thought to in the past. What in the world am I going to do when I have a husband of my own to take care of? What about KIDS!?! I personally plan on waiting a few years to add them, but you never know... :)

I have always wanted to begin preparing myself for wife-hood... (is that a word?) by doing things NOW. However, I am slowly realizing I am far from being prepared! What are you doing to prepare for your future? Are you one to "cross that bridge when you get to it"? Or are you a list maker/planner like me? What are some other things that I should prepare for that are not on my list? What other things can I be doing to honor my spouse right here right now?

One thing I have done (or should I say do quite often) is pray for my future husband! And I am hoping that he is doing the same thing for me. Am I doing my job at answering those prayers? Am I becoming the woman that I think he would want? Some of the things on my "list" for a future husband could be on his "list" for a future wife! Am I following my own list of desires in a mate and becoming who/what I expect him to be? We shall see soon enough, but I want to be as ready as I can be for that special someone when he comes into my life!

~ S*

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