Monday, August 2, 2010

Put God Fist.... (Even when I am married)

Hmmm... I was in bed this morning thinking and praying, and I had a thought as to what I could make my post about today... But now that I am sitting here at the computer I can't remember what it was I was going to tell you...

(Ten minutes later...) Well, I am still trying to remember what it was I was going to talk about, but I will start by saying that I was praying for my husband this morning. I was thinking about what I hoped he would be doing right now. I like to pray blessings over him, which can include favor with co-workers, bosses, professors, fellow pupils, etc... Things that I hope he would be praying over me!

(Pause for another minute... Almost remember...) OH!!! I got it!! I was laying there praying and imagining if I was married, and a thought occurred to me. If I was married right at that very moment, I would have woken up beside my husband (maybe cuddled up to him or something... *sigh*) Anyways, I always do my Bible reading, Bible Correspondence Course, and praying while still in bed in the mornings. If I was married, how would that change the way I spend time with God? It would dramatically change it! I would most likely wake up to a kiss from my husband, talking to him, asking him how he slept, etc... Whereas, I wake up now thanking God for the day, praying, reading my Bible, etc... (and daydreaming about my future husband...) When this occurred to me, I kinda felt like I would be betraying God if I were married. After all, I would thoroughly enjoy a wake up kiss from my husband, so how could I put God first in this area of my married life? I would no longer have the quiet alone time that I have every morning.

A little bunny trail for you, I have often had, what I call, conversations with God. Where I pray and ask God something, and He flat out gives me an answer. I have spent hours talking to God. The first time I experienced this I spent an entire afternoon talking to Him. (That is a story for another day.) Whenever I enjoy a peaceful conversation with my Lord and Savior, I am always alone, it is quiet, no one is around to interrupt or distract... All this to say, I most likely won't have that morning quiet time once I am married. So, my next question would be, how am I going to put God first while I am married? (Probably a good thing to figure out before I actually do get married...)

Here are some things I have been thinking about... How will I put God first in my marriage... Well, I have always imagined my husband and I reading our Bibles together when we got up in the morning. Most likely he (and maybe I to start with) will have a job that begins sometime in the morning (say a 9-5 job). If this is the case and I too am working, I would (and usually do even now) pray in my car. Like I said I do this even today, and it is a great time to spend with God. We really shouldn't be doing anything else while driving anyways... :) If (or when) I have kids, I would like to stay home and take care of them. In this instance, when my husband goes off to work, I would like to spend some quiet time with the Lord before my kids wake up, or maybe while they are napping. Also, while my kids are growing up, I will want to teach them about the Bible, prayer, God, Etc... These are all ways in which I would still get a quiet time with God and honor Him, but still be able to enjoy my husband and family. :)

In conclusion, I would like to point out that honoring your husband, serving him, and making him happy is in a special way serving and honoring God. The Bible tells us to submit to our husbands (1 Peter 3:1, Colossians 3:18, Ephesians 5:22). Do so as unto the Lord. So in following or submitting to our husbands we are obeying God and His instructions for us!

I want to come up with more ways to honor God and spend time with him while my husband is there. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment below! I would be very excited to hear your thoughts and ideas!

~ S*

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