Monday, April 30, 2012

Am I Ugly?

This Week's Scripture:  Genesis 1:26-27 
Okay guys, how many of us, at one time or another, have thought that we were ugly?  Be honest now.  I have definitely thought that of myself.  How many of us have wanted to change something about our appearance?  We have all been asked the question: if you could change on thing about yourself what would it be?  We all think of things: a smaller nose, whiter smile, thinner hips, tanner skin, etc.  We are beautiful just the way we are.  God made us in His image (Gen. 1:26-27).  Instead of wishing we were different or "prettier" than we are, we should thank God for our beautiful bodies.  We are created in HIS image!  What could be better than that?  If you still have trouble shooting yourself down with discouraging thoughts about yourself, try this.  Every time you begin to obsess or think about your body in a negative way, catch yourself and begin to thank God for the qualities you do like.  Or do this; lets say you begin to think about your legs again.  "I wish they were straight, I wish they were tan, I wish they were more flexible, etc."  Turn that around and thank God that you have legs that work properly, that you don't need crutches or a wheel chair to get around.  If you begin to form this habit, eventually Satan will stop torturing you with those depressing thoughts because you turn it into a good thing. 

Another worry could be that my future husband won't think I am beautiful after we get married.  First off, that is absurd.  God Himself has planned out whom I will marry.  I don't think God is going to make a mistake.  In Songs of Solomon the word beautiful is used countless times.  I don?t think God placed this book in the Bible for kicks and giggles.  He had a much better reason than that.  One reason could be to show us how beautiful we are.  Chapter one verse fifteen says, "How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful!  Your eyes are doves."  That is the Lover (male) speaking to the Beloved (female).  I believe God will send me a man who thinks beautiful things of me like the Lover does in Songs of Solomon.  (For a bigger list of beautiful things read chapter four.)

Always remember that we are created in the image and likeness of God.  So we cannot be ugly, especially to Him.

If you have anything to add or have additional questions or comments please leave them below.

~ S*

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

True Love Waits!

This Week's Scripture:  Songs of Solomon 2:7, "Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field:  Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." (NIV)

Many of us have heard or even spoken the phrase, "true love waits."  I have a purity ring that says that very thing.  But what does it really mean?  Some of you might say it means exactly what it says.  Yes it does; however, let's examine each word closely.

True.  In the dictionary* true is defined this way: 1. real; genuine; 2. faithful; loyal; 3. right; proper; correct; exact; accurate; 4. rightful; lawful.  If you say "true love waits" by replacing true with one or all of the words above, does the phrase take on a new meaning for you?

Love.  Love is defined like this: 1. warm and tender liking; deep feeling of fondness and friendship; great affection or devotion; 2. have such a warm liking or deep feeling for; 3. a strong liking; 4. like very much; take great pleasure in.

Waits.  Wait or Waits is defined as follows: 1. stay or stop doing something until someone comes or something happens; 2. look forward; be expecting or ready; 3. delay or put off.  In other words, do not progress forward until you know it is God's will and timing for you.

Putting this all together may make it sound somewhat as follows:  [True]Genuine, faithful, and proper [Love] deep fondness, affection, or devotion to others [Waits] is expectant, ready, and looking forward to what God has planned for their life.  In other words, to truly love someone, you must wait for God's "yes" to move forward in that loving relationship.  A good way to do this is to listen to what the Bible says in Songs of Solomon 2:7b, "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." Or you could say it this way, do not allow love to wake up in you until God says it is the right time!

In the first part of that same verse Beloved (aka the girl in this book of the Bible) is charging (or placing under oath) the other women of Jerusalem to do this very thing.  In the same way we should not artificially stimulate love before God's perfect timing.  Flirting and the dating game are just a couple examples of "fake love" that many people participate in which really hinder their following God's path and plan for their future.

I hope that this has helped you ponder whether or not you are truly loving others by waiting on God's plan.

Feel free to leave questions and/or comments about this entry below.  If you have a private question you would like us to answer, feel free to e-mail us!  Please check back often for more polls, quizes, forum questions, and devotions. We would love to hear from you!

~ S*