Saturday, March 15, 2014

Chapter 1 -- The book of Revelation

Wow! It's been a while!  Maybe you're glad, or maybe you missed me! :)  Anyway, I feel like God has led me to start this up again, so my current commitment is going to be a post every 15th of the month!  I'm going to begin going through books of the Bible chapter by chapter.  Starting with Revelation!

Let me start this series by saying I never used to like reading Revelation!  I have read through the Bible many times in my life, and I always dreaded getting to this book.  I usually saved it until the very last one.  Why?  It made me think about the end times!  It made me think about persecution... Am I willing to suffer for Christ?  A lot of bad things happen in this book, and it is all prophecy!  One of the only reasons I used to read this book was because of verse 3...  

Since then, I have developed a new desire to read it... As I said above, it is all prophecy!  Each and every day we are getting closer to the fulfillment of this prophecy.  I don't know about you, but I want to be prepared!  So I have begun to read a chapter a day!  Isaiah 55:11 says, "So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. (NAS)" In other words, no matter what, I'm going to reap benefits for reading and rereading God's Word!  Some days I don't feel like I am getting anything out of what I'm reading, but a few days later I will have a scripture ready at just the perfect moment!  God will reward us for being stewards of His Word!

Revelation Chapter 1 (I'm using the NLT "New Living Translation")

Prologue Verses 1-3

Verses 1-2 tell us where the book came from: Jesus Christ!  Though John wrote the book, it was inspired by God.  I recently heard someone say, "There were 40 writers of the Bible, but only 1 Author!" 

Verse 3: "God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near."  We are blessed when we read, listen to, and obey this prophecy!  Isn't that great!?! 

John's Greetings to the Seven Churches  Verses 4-8

Verse 4: He was told to write this book (verse 11) to the seven churches in the province of Asia.  Back then, this was a Roman province... Now it is western Turkey!

Verses 5-8: John goes into detail about God and how Awesome He is (see also Amos 4:13 and Exodus 3:14)

Vision of the Son of Man Verses 9-20

Verses 9-10: John explains the when, where, what, and who!  When he had the vision, What he was doing, Where he was, and Who was there/gave it to him!

12-16: These verses describe the Son of Man!  Jesus used the phrase "Son of Man" to describe Himself when he was on earth!  A pretty Awesome sight if you ask me!  

17-18: Jesus reiterates what John said about Him at the beginning of the chapter!  It's always cool when God confirms what you say!

19: God tells John to write the book of Revelation!

20: The meaning of the Seven Stars and Seven Gold Lamp stands is given! Stars = Angels/Messengers of the seven churches... Lamp stands = the seven churches!

What are your thoughts on this book of the Bible?  What things has God pointed out to you about his book or chapter?  I'd love to hear them in the comments below!!  


~ S*