Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Chapter 8 -- The Book of Revelation

Please Read Revelation Chapter 8!

The Lamb Breaks the Seventh Seal

Verses 1-2: What was the silence for?  Does that mean everyone stopped worshiping God and crying "Holy, Holy, Holy" for that 30 minutes?  Was it just an earthly instant?  Typically time as we see it and Heaven do not going hand in hand...

Verses 3-5:  The Old Testament is filled with instructions about sacrifices.   There is even a special incense that they were only allowed to use at the tabernacle/temple for certain sacrifices. (Exodus 30:35)  These verses show that similar things are done in the heavenly realm!  This instance shows our prayers are a part of the atonement process now that we've been redeemed from the curse of the law!

Verses 6-12:  What do you think is the significance of "a third"?  Do you think these woes/terrors will be on one particular area/continent of the earth?  Or will the events be divided among different areas?

Verse 13: "Terror, terror, terror to all who belong to this world because of what will happen when the last three angels blow their trumpets."  Do you think "all who belong to this world." means those who are not saved?  Or is it referring to everyone who is still alive on earth at the time of the woes?

What has God been showing you through this book?  Do you think some of these prophecies are coming true right now?  If so which ones?

Hope you're having a great week!


~ S*