Friday, May 28, 2010


Book number FIVE in the Redemption Series is now finished. So I have officially read an entire ADULT series, but I am very happy to say that I am not finished with the characters from that series. Karen K. wrote two additional series that just take place where the Redemption series left off. So I will be starting the Firstborn series as soon as the books come in from the library! I am very excited. I was introduced to a (few) new characters at the end of the last book. One of them named Dayne MATTHEWS. So I have now fallen in love with yet another fictional character! My mom has informed me that Dayne will be who the next four books are mainly about!! I am pretty excited!!

Well, that's all for now! Cousin's graduation this weekend. Along with my best friend's!!! Congratulations to both of you!! :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Reading is the only thing really on my agenda today!! I am on Book number FIVE!! I finished number four in two days (Saturday and Sunday). I am getting introduced to new characters in this book, so I am very excited. One of the guys isn't married, so maybe I can claim him!?! We shall see... :D

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New Favorite Quote!

"Are you the manager?"


"Well, you should be! Let me have one of those feedback cards. Could you write your name on here for me!"

Monday, May 3, 2010

From Bad to AMAZING!!! :)

Yesterday I slept in. Good. Then I went to dress for work, and my dress pants needed mending (something that couldn't happen in just a few minutes.) Not good. So I wore jeans and used one of my denim days. Not bad. Mom had me take dad's car. Good. But she wanted me to fill it up with gas on my way to work. Not fun. When I got to work (where gas is usually the cheapest) it was more expensive (by like 3 cents), so I got it anyways. Annoying. As I was pulling into the gas station I realized that I left my lunch on the kitchen counter at home. BAD. The weather was gloomy and rainy. Bad.

During the early half of my shift the power flashed in the store. Not good. It all settled back after making a phone call, so no real harm done. On my lunch hour I went out to my car (while it was showering), and tried to go to Taco Bell. Okay. But when I got the light a policeman was directing traffic for the electric was out. Bad. Then when I finally got into the Taco Bell there was a sign on the drive through that said sorry power is out. BAD!!!! Thus I had to drive back to work empty handed with half of my lunch break used up. Not good. I ended up paying $1.40 for a little beef stew thing from a vending machine. Okay. It tasted good. Good. And I drank a pop that had been in my locker for a few weeks, so it was room temperature. Not the best. But I was no longer hungry when I went back to work. Semi Good.

After my lunch I went to register and for the rest of my shift talked and teased some co-workers! GOOD. We all had a good time! Then, I saw an employee that was originally hired with me that no longer works there! BETTER! He didn't really talk to me, but it was nice to just say Hi. Still good. THEN, an employee that who still works there, but I have not seen since December (for I open and he closes), came in to return something. (so he was being a customer) It was about 8:15pm after he made his return, and I along with another associate chatted with him for about 40 minutes!!! GREAT!! I had not talked to him in forever, so it was really great to see him! There were hardly any customers in the store, so we weren't disobeying store policy or anything. It was just really great!! Plus when the announcement that the store was closing came on the overhead the customers were gone by 9!!! SHOCKER!! So we got out of there at 9:15! My night definitely ended on a high! :D

I am praying tomorrow morning is also amazing! :)