Saturday, July 31, 2010

Blogging Idea... A Change in Plans...

Since there is only one subject that really consumes my mind constantly, I have decided to try a new idea/plan for my blog. Instead of talking about what goes on in my everyday (boring) life, I would like to share my thoughts, struggles, and victories that I face as an everyday young woman, who is trying to follow God's plan for her life. The first few posts will be a little bit of background on my feelings about guys, marriage, my future, thoughts, college, work, God's plan for me, etc... My everyday struggles will be expressed about these subjects. All in all, I am trying to be an encouragement to other girls who may be struggling with the same thoughts and feelings I have. I would love to get your feedback as well, so feel free to leave comments, suggestions, or your own struggles.

So let's begin... At church, Bible study groups, or church camps you always hear testimonies about how God significantly changed someone's life. How He turned it completely around from the way it was before that person got saved. I have always felt a little confused about my own testimony. What is my testimony? I didn't have that dramatic life changing experience like lots of other people have. I grew up in a home where my parents were saved, and they taught me about God since day one. We pray together, worship God together, share all of our struggles with each other. I have never really struggled with my relationship with God. I know that I am born again, that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, that Jesus died on the cross for me, and He rose again so I could live forever in heaven with him. That is my testimony... Not that exciting really. But I am glad that I have not had the struggles that others have experienced. I am so thankful for my family. I have parent's that love me, hug and kiss me, tell me "I love you", listen when I have something important I need to discuss or share. They are always there for me, and I am so thankful for that. I have an amazing sister who I never truly fight with. We can have our disagreements, but we have never actually been in a big argument. We support each other, and can talk to each other about anything and everything. Pretty Awesome* now that I really think about it.

Okay, now that you know a little about my background let me explain a couple more things. First, I have been interested in marriage, cute boys, hugs, kisses, the whole nine yards since I was ten or younger... Now that I am 21 my desire for the latter has only grown more and more with each passing day; however, my standards, and methods in which I plan to find my husband have changed dramatically as I have grown and learned more about God and His plan for marriage and singleness. Secondly, in the last few years, I have thought that my testimony may be how I handle my singleness, and eventually my marriage story! But this does not mean that I do not have the everyday struggles of an average 21 year old young woman. Through this blog I would like to share my thoughts and struggles about certain subjects that are dear to my heart. I am praying that God will use this blog as a blessing for not only myself, but for others as well.

Throughout the weeks, I will share some more of my background on certain subjects that I may have already told some of my readers. However, I pray that my own struggles and discoveries can help you, my readers, as you grow in your relationship with the Lord and mature into a young woman of God. (A Proverbs 31 Woman) My goal with this blog is to be a blessing to others by sharing my stories, so maybe you can learn from my mistakes and avoid certain things that I have learned the hard way. Or if I have discovered something that works very well, I would love to share it with you.

I am not the most eloquent speaker/writer, but I pray that this blog will be God inspiring for everyone. Thank you for joining me on this adventure; I look forward to hearing from you!

~ S*

* Awesome is a word with special meaning for me. Awesome for me is something only God can be. It is a word I only use when talking about how amazing my Savior is or what He has done for me. Awesome aka God amazing!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I Am Blessed!!!

Just wanted to make a quick post to say how happy I am, and how Amazing my God is!! I have been witnessing a lot of crappy stuff at work recently, and I am just so pleased to announce that my life is not like that! God has definitely put me in the right place!