Monday, June 6, 2011

Peace Part 2

Last week I posted some scriptures about peace... So here is a little bit of my commentary on some of the verses I posted...

Psalms 37:11;37:   "A wonderful future awaits those who love peace."  I love peace! :)  I'm not quite sure why anyone would not love peace, but unfortunately there are people out there like that.

Proverbs 16:7:  We might have enemies, but if we continue to follow God and His Word, then we will be at peace with our enemies.  (Yes, even that supervisor at work that seems to hate you... You will be at peace with your enemies.)

Isaiah 9:6:  "Prince of Peace" This is another name for our wonderful Savior!  We should strive to be more like Him!

Isaiah 54:10:  When God promises something, it happens...

Isaiah 57:2; 21:  Which would you rather?  Resting in peace when you die, or never having peace alive or dead?

1 Corinthians 14:33:  God likes it when His church body is at peace with one another.  We should devour and resist strive as soon as it tries to take over...

Philippians 4:7:  Memorize this scripture.  It is a great one to quote if ever the devil is trying to instate fear.  God does what He says He will do, so you take this scripture and follow it!

Colossians 3:15:  We should be thankful that we are called to live at peace.  I sure wouldn't want to live at war all the time (or ever).  We have been instructed to live at peace with everyone, so what are you waiting for?

1 Thessalonians 5:23:  God is a God of peace!  The Prince of Peace!  I am so thankful that He is, for His desire for us is to be a peaceful world.  If we would all follow His plan, it would be a peaceful world!!

2 Timothy 2:22:  "Bad company corrupts good morals..."  We should associate with people who are peaceful and pursue righteous living.  We need to take away the relationships that we have that could hinder our relationship with God.

1 Peter 3:11:  "Work to maintain peace."  Nothing should stop us from being a peaceful people.  "Live in harmony with one another..." (Romans 12:16) What are you waiting for?

Extra verse for you before I go: Matthew 5:9, "God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God."  I want to be a peacemaker, for I want to be a child of God?  How about you?  What are you going to do to be a better peacemaker?

~ S*