Thursday, April 25, 2013

What Has God Been Teaching You Lately?

I know it has been forever since I have posted, but I was writing a letter to a friend about the blessing God has been in my life... And I thought I would share part of it with you!

My family started this Bible study thing, where we all read a chapter of a book on our own, then watch a pastor talk about it, and then we discuss it with a study guide that is at the end of each chapter.  Last night one of the questions was what do you need to improve on... I said prayer...  I don't feel like I'm good at praying, or that I do it enough.  I have been working on trusting God no matter what, and my biggest thoughts right now are about not forgetting God in my everyday activities.  I want to keep Him as a main focus 24/7... A specific verse stuck out to me the other night when I was reading "Jesus Calling"... I even wrote about it in my letter to my future husband that night...  It was a verse I've heard hundreds of times, and I even know a song that has the verse in it. "There is, therefore, now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1)  For some reason that just struck a cord with me.  I have never really thought about what that verse meant before.  But this time I interpreted it this way:

God's mercies are new every day.  His grace is sufficient for me.  Even when I mess up He still loves me!  Even if I'm not adequate He still loves me.  No matter what, my name is written in the Lamb's book of Life!  I am "in Christ Jesus".  I am not going to be condemned.  Jesus broke the power of sin and death when He died on the cross(Romans 8:2)!  I don't have to be afraid that He is going to punish me somehow, or that something bad is going to happen because I have been redeemed from the curse of the law. 'Cause Jesus became the curse for us! "Cursed is any man who hangs on a tree." (Galatians 3:13) Jesus did that for me! I don't have to suffer now, no matter how much I deserve to, I DON'T HAVE TO! Isn't that Awesome!?!

Something HUGE is going to happen in my life in the next ten days!  I have been praying about it a ton, and I just want to be ready for it.  I want to be ready the way God wants me to be ready.  I want to be selfless.  That is something I am trying to work on here lately.  Being selfless.  The two greatest commandments in the Bible were the same thing: LOVE.  If you love God, you'll love other people.  If you love people, you will be a selfless person.  It's that simple...but it is also that complicated!  It is so much easier to say that, than it is to do it!  Especially when an extremely rude and grumpy customer yells at you and tells you to "FIX IT" when they don't even know what they are talking about... But I am supposed to love that person anyways!?!  What!?!  If I think about it, that is what God does with me every day! I mess up, I get mad, I want to punch the wall, I don't pray, I get frustrated, and the list goes on and on...  But God Loves me anyway... With no condemnation...  Isn't our God just the most Awesome and romantic person ever?  Why do I need an earthly husband when I have Him?  The truth is... I don't... (Don't get me wrong here, I still really want an earthly husband!)  But that isn't what's most important.  GOD is!

I love what she said in her letter to me, "I'm getting an ever-growing urgency in seeking His plans and claiming His victory-- not just for myself, but for... everyone around me."  I want that urgency too.  Bottom line, I want to do God's will over my own... Even if that means getting out of my comfort zone, which, believe me... I do NOT like to do!  :) God has just been so real/present to me lately.  It has been really cool.  I am the happiest when I am talking about what God is doing in my life; when I am talking about what I am learning from Him.  Like typing this message right now! :)  It just makes me so happy when I can "tell of the works of the Lord!" (Psalm 118:17) A couple weeks ago, at church, we were singing for praise and worship, and at the second song... The anointing just hit me!  I was shaking/trembling all over through out three songs!  When we got home my dad said, "Yeah, I could tell something was going on with you."  And something else you need to understand about this particular Saturday night... We have been out of the sanctuary the last three weeks because of maintenance, and the praise and worship hasn't been an "free and easy" for us (as the worship team).  We have had to do it without a piano(normally the main instrument)! It has been all acoustic guitars, and very interesting.  So the fact that I felt the anointing during a service where that was all going on!!!  Well, that was even more Awesome!

What has God been doing in your life lately?  What has He been teaching you?  I would love to hear about it!  Please leave a comment below sharing the blessings God has bestowed on your life!

~ S*

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