So there it is. Chive and Onion cream cheese with chicken all stuffed inside a crescent roll pocket! YUMMY!! Let me know if you want the recipe!! :)
This blog was created to encourage and help men and women of God grow in their relationship with the Lord. I hope my life experiences can be an encouragement to you. New Post every 15th of the month! Blessings! ~ S*
Friday, April 30, 2010
Guess what!?! I fixed dinner tonight! Doesn't it look delicious!?!

So there it is. Chive and Onion cream cheese with chicken all stuffed inside a crescent roll pocket! YUMMY!! Let me know if you want the recipe!! :)
So there it is. Chive and Onion cream cheese with chicken all stuffed inside a crescent roll pocket! YUMMY!! Let me know if you want the recipe!! :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Today is a Fairytale...
Well, not really, but I do have like the BEST DAD IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!! :) Happy Birthday Daddy!!!
I wrapped up his presents this afternoon, and I am hoping that he will not be able to guess what they are... But he is usually the master at guessing. (He even guessed a bar of soap once!)
Today I am catching up on everything that I don't do when I work! :) I did two hours of Bible reading, praying, and correspondence this morning! Then I made a to do list of about 20 things I should accomplish today. (One of them being creating this blog post!!)
Now on to more fun stuff like cleaning my room! I got a call yesterday telling me not to come in to work on Friday. They overstaffed us on Monday so I guess Friday will have to pay the consequences... I do get to open again tomorrow though for a 6.25 hour shift! Prayer is appreciated!!
Well, I guess that is all... I got two credits yesterday too. I had to clock out at exactly twelve to get home so my sister could have a ride to school. Two cars with four people isn't very fun. But hopefully that will change by the end of the week!!
I wrapped up his presents this afternoon, and I am hoping that he will not be able to guess what they are... But he is usually the master at guessing. (He even guessed a bar of soap once!)
Today I am catching up on everything that I don't do when I work! :) I did two hours of Bible reading, praying, and correspondence this morning! Then I made a to do list of about 20 things I should accomplish today. (One of them being creating this blog post!!)
Now on to more fun stuff like cleaning my room! I got a call yesterday telling me not to come in to work on Friday. They overstaffed us on Monday so I guess Friday will have to pay the consequences... I do get to open again tomorrow though for a 6.25 hour shift! Prayer is appreciated!!
Well, I guess that is all... I got two credits yesterday too. I had to clock out at exactly twelve to get home so my sister could have a ride to school. Two cars with four people isn't very fun. But hopefully that will change by the end of the week!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
300 PAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday I wasn't feeling well, so I curled up on the futon with one of my body pillows (Did I tell you I sleep with a total of 6 pillows now!?! And two of them are body pillows!) to read the second book in the amazing book series I just discovered. From two pm to midnight I read (with a few breaks in between for a couple hours of TV, eating, etc...). But mostly reading!
Tears, laughter, yelling at the pages, praying for the characters not to die... Wow. I guess you can call me a book worm now! :D At least until I am finished reading this series. I am hoping Daddy remembers to pick up the third at the library on his way home from work tonight! For as soon as I am finished writing this blog, I will be back at it to finish the rest of the story!
Did I mention I have two new crushes that don't even exist!!! :) Oh the joy of reading books!
Tears, laughter, yelling at the pages, praying for the characters not to die... Wow. I guess you can call me a book worm now! :D At least until I am finished reading this series. I am hoping Daddy remembers to pick up the third at the library on his way home from work tonight! For as soon as I am finished writing this blog, I will be back at it to finish the rest of the story!
Did I mention I have two new crushes that don't even exist!!! :) Oh the joy of reading books!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
It is Finished!
For those of you who read my last blog post, I am not a reader. I do not read books. The last "book" I read was one of the Hardy Boy Mysteries. Yeah, I am not a reader.
HOWEVER, I finished my book in THREE days! And I have started the next one in the series!!! It was GREAT!!! I REALLY LIKED it! So for all of you readers (and non-readers) out there, you should read this series!!! :D
Today I will be majorly reading the next book. All of the books (I've been told) are like one big story/movie. The author didn't even want to finish the series!
Did I mention that I am healed by the stripes of Jesus? NO weapon formed against me shall prosper. I am redeemed from the curse of the law. I am submitted unto God; I have resisted the devil, and he MUST flee from me! No sore throat for me. And no visits from Tom. :P""
Jehovah Rapha!
HOWEVER, I finished my book in THREE days! And I have started the next one in the series!!! It was GREAT!!! I REALLY LIKED it! So for all of you readers (and non-readers) out there, you should read this series!!! :D
Today I will be majorly reading the next book. All of the books (I've been told) are like one big story/movie. The author didn't even want to finish the series!
Did I mention that I am healed by the stripes of Jesus? NO weapon formed against me shall prosper. I am redeemed from the curse of the law. I am submitted unto God; I have resisted the devil, and he MUST flee from me! No sore throat for me. And no visits from Tom. :P""
Jehovah Rapha!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Hard to Believe!
Make sure you are sitting down for this one! I am reading a book! FOR FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know right, you just passed out onto the floor, but it is true. You read it correctly. I am reading a book! It is 367 pages long with a font size of 10! My mom introduced me to it. It is the first in like a 13 book series. We shall see if I get past book one, but I will say that the first two chapters were pretty exciting!! Not at all what I was expecting!
I guess that is pretty much all the news for now. We now only have two working cars at the moment. We shall see what is up with that later on. The car "died" at a cemetery. Weird I know. Church in a couple hours!!!
Book: Redemption Written by Karen Kingsbury with Gary Smalley. Series: Redemption Series
I guess that is pretty much all the news for now. We now only have two working cars at the moment. We shall see what is up with that later on. The car "died" at a cemetery. Weird I know. Church in a couple hours!!!
Book: Redemption Written by Karen Kingsbury with Gary Smalley. Series: Redemption Series
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Today... Again...
I had to get up this morning at 7am to help ummmmm... Let me think about this... *looks at hands as if counting on fingers* Maybe 25 customers for my shift!!!!!!!!!!!!! I work four hours (7:45-11:45) and that is all (if even that many) the customers I helped. In the first two hours I think the total was 2, but I saw 5. The day doesn't go very fast when that happens.
So mostly I talked to the jewelry lady, and walked around in a circle (really I did) by the front door. Doesn't that just make you so jealous!?!?! :D NOT!!!!
Got my schedule for next week and I am working my two least favorite days and that is it. Oh well, maybe it will pick up one of these days. I am not ready to get back into the Christmas swing of things though.
Today and yesterday I worked on web sites for multiple hours. They are looking pretty good at this point. I think I should just go into the web site business instead of a department-store.
So this was my exciting life today. *I didn't even see any cute guys today.* (Sigh)
So how is that I'm blessed thing working out for all of you?
So mostly I talked to the jewelry lady, and walked around in a circle (really I did) by the front door. Doesn't that just make you so jealous!?!?! :D NOT!!!!
Got my schedule for next week and I am working my two least favorite days and that is it. Oh well, maybe it will pick up one of these days. I am not ready to get back into the Christmas swing of things though.
Today and yesterday I worked on web sites for multiple hours. They are looking pretty good at this point. I think I should just go into the web site business instead of a department-store.
So this was my exciting life today. *I didn't even see any cute guys today.* (Sigh)
So how is that I'm blessed thing working out for all of you?
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Church tonight!!
Soon we will be leaving to get ready to practice for Praise and Worship.
God is so amazing, and He has blessed me in more ways than I can imagine. I won the $50 credit bonus from the month of March! And I know that could only be God's doing!
A thought for you: When someone asks you how you are doing today reply, "I'm blessed how about you?" It is so fun to watch people's reactions! I have made some people's day saying this. And most of the people you say this to will be a little nicer/happier while they are talking to you. I have had a couple people say, "Wow, I really like that!" Or they pause before replying trying to figure out what to answer. Normally people just reply what ever you say like "I'm good how about you?" "Good." Etc... It almost "trips" up their mouth when you say I'm blessed. If they reply they usually make their reply a little more exciting than the normal good or fine. Like: I am doing extremely well, I am wonderful, or same here! :D Try it for a week and see what happens for you! And please let me how it turns out!!
Have a blessed week!!
PS NASCAR race tonight!!!! Not quite sure who I will be cheering for this time... We shall see..........
God is so amazing, and He has blessed me in more ways than I can imagine. I won the $50 credit bonus from the month of March! And I know that could only be God's doing!
A thought for you: When someone asks you how you are doing today reply, "I'm blessed how about you?" It is so fun to watch people's reactions! I have made some people's day saying this. And most of the people you say this to will be a little nicer/happier while they are talking to you. I have had a couple people say, "Wow, I really like that!" Or they pause before replying trying to figure out what to answer. Normally people just reply what ever you say like "I'm good how about you?" "Good." Etc... It almost "trips" up their mouth when you say I'm blessed. If they reply they usually make their reply a little more exciting than the normal good or fine. Like: I am doing extremely well, I am wonderful, or same here! :D Try it for a week and see what happens for you! And please let me how it turns out!!
Have a blessed week!!
PS NASCAR race tonight!!!! Not quite sure who I will be cheering for this time... We shall see..........
Friday, April 9, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Yes it was worth it!!! :)
So yesterday was the annual family get together for Good Friday! And as I mentioned in my last post I was able to go, for my nice manager changed my schedule!! :D So...
"Beep Beep... Beep Beep... Beep Beep..." My watch alarm went off at 7AM, I had to quickly get ready for work in a short 15 minutes(this includes dressing, makeup, instant breakfast, packing lunch, shoes, lock the door, and start the car!). After working for a couple hours I had my first break, and they fed us salad and mac n cheese! So I had a better "brunch" than I normally would have had. I did not get a credit yesterday, but all in all it was a very pleasant day. Mom and Vic came around 9:30 shopped for my cousin's B-day present, and left it with me. I was to buy it when they came back to pick me up. They took my car home, and we drove collectively to my Aunt's house!
Upon arriving at my Aunt's house I did the following:
1. Ate Lunch!! (slice of ham, cheesy potatoes *two helpings*, orange pop *decaf*, green beans, and cucumber slices) I sat with all my cousins, and one of my cousin's girlfriend's was there, so all in all there were ten of us sitting at this table made for at the very most 6! Now that we are older and all the "little" cousins have grown up it isn't as easy to fit us all around that table! :) But I wouldn't change it for anything! After eating we colored/drew on a huge piece of paper that is always in the middle of the table. Usually we sign our name and make a doodle pertaining to the season. And we visited a little.
2. Game 1: Scavenger hunt. We had to search for the following items (and for those of you who don't know my Aunt lives on a HUGE property, so woods, hay fields, giant yard, etc...) I will try to quote the list: Maple leaf, Oak leaf, yellow flower, blue flower, bone, tooth, antler, mushroom, pencil (she planted the pencils in a hay bale), plastic egg with a smiley face (she planted these too and we were not allowed to open the eggs 'til we were finished with the scavenger hunt), white rock, FEATHER (I added this one, but every other year it has been on the list and I could never find one. This time I found 2 and it wasn't on the list!), flint... I think that was it... While searching we stumbled upon a piece of paper that had a clue on it (I'll tell you what it said later), We finally decided that it had to go with another game that we would be playing later... We found almost everything on the list but the eggs... I figured that they were very important, so when everyone else was about to give up looking I and Z went off to find them. We ran towards what they call the T field, and found them laying on the edge of the woods! We grabbed three (one for me, Z, and Vic) and took them back to the porch and sent the rest of them to get their own...
3. Game 2: Inside the egg we found a clue/note that said, "SS find me on the bus seat." So a group of us (Me, Vic, P, Al, Ab, and Z) were together and headed toward my Aunt's school bus. After opening the door there was a note on the step that read, "Oops, did I say the seat? Maybe the US POSTal service can help." We started to walk down the long driveway to the mail box. And P took the clue with us. Meanwhile S and M were just reading the clue from their eggs. We were half way down the driveway when they reached the bus and were searching everywhere inside for the clue! :) I yelled back at them that we had it. P and I walked all the way to the Mail box and grabbed the clue. S and M caught up with us and we read it, "I am always Orange, but sometimes I am Orange And Yellow. The raccoon like me when I am yellow." We finally saw K and C who had disappeared during the scavenger hunt, so as we were waiting on them to catch up with us P, V, and Al started to pet the horses. P was holding the clue when one of the horses sneezed all over him. Grossed out P went inside to change his shirt. The clue was splattered with little greenish dots. *YUCK* But we headed to the barn to find a Orange machine that held corn during parts of the year... S and Z came running out of the barn with the next clue, "We were too naughty to be in the barn with our "Rolled" up friends." And that was to lead us to the clue that we had already found. So, instead of walking all the way to where that clue was we went to where it was going to lead us. We remembered it saying, "If it was Thanksgiving time I would have a body". This led us to the back of the barn where my Aunt stores a wooden turkey head that she places on a round bale at Thanksgiving time! The clue we found there said, "Stop(with a pic of a stop sign) (and it had two street names)". It led to an intersection down the road from my Aunt's house. So we sent S and Z down to get it on the 4 wheeler! They drove back up with it, and it led us to a yellow wagon at the back of the barn where we found a bag of Silly String (SS)! So then we all headed to the front yard to have a Silly String fight!!! Everyone participated (cousin wise) and it was a lot of fun!
4. Then I went inside and colored a few hard boiled eggs. Mine had the initials "RW" on one side and "AM" on the other! ;) After this I was summoned outside by my cousin K. Where he and Vic talked me into riding the 4 Wheeler around the yard! It was fun I have to say! I liked it a LOT better than the dirt bike! After that I chatted with K for a little while, and then more people started to congregate in the driveway, so we gathered the ones that weren't there and played Poison! (A game with a basket ball) All in all I played 4 rounds, but only 2 with everyone. I didn't win ever, but got second once. Ab won 2, K won 1 or 2. I don't remember who won the last round. We then decided to play kickball. It didn't last very long. (just long enough make me sore today! :) )
5. The kickball game ended then we decided to go for our annual egg throwing at the target "game". We each got a dozen eggs and tried to splat them at a target that my Aunt made years ago. Which led to an egg toss that I came in third for the second round. I was the cause for K and my loss on the first time, for I was still wearing my purity ring. Thus it broke when it hit it... :( Oh well!
6. After that we had our egg hunt. We could each find 5 plastic without a name and 2 with our name. All in all I got $1.25 in quarters, a 50 cent piece, and a golden dollar! Fun rewards!! :) All the cousins participated! Another praiseworthy thing!
7. Following the egg hunt we all went inside. Then a few of us participated in the peep game. (You know, those marshmallows covered in sugar! :D ) My Aunt had coded the backs of the peep bunnies with letters and symbols. We had to unscramble words that the letters made! It was fun! Then we had to leave, so after getting a hug from EVERY cousin minus one (WOAH!!! That NEVER happens! It was amazing!), we went home!!
So that was my AMAZING day yesterday!!!! So cool right!!!??? Everyone enjoy their Resurrection Sunday! And remember the real reason we are celebrating! I was thinking about it on the way home from work today. You know, God is AWESOME! He sent His Son to die so that I might go to live with Him forever! WOW! God is so AWESOME!! Have a great weekend!!
"Beep Beep... Beep Beep... Beep Beep..." My watch alarm went off at 7AM, I had to quickly get ready for work in a short 15 minutes(this includes dressing, makeup, instant breakfast, packing lunch, shoes, lock the door, and start the car!). After working for a couple hours I had my first break, and they fed us salad and mac n cheese! So I had a better "brunch" than I normally would have had. I did not get a credit yesterday, but all in all it was a very pleasant day. Mom and Vic came around 9:30 shopped for my cousin's B-day present, and left it with me. I was to buy it when they came back to pick me up. They took my car home, and we drove collectively to my Aunt's house!
Upon arriving at my Aunt's house I did the following:
1. Ate Lunch!! (slice of ham, cheesy potatoes *two helpings*, orange pop *decaf*, green beans, and cucumber slices) I sat with all my cousins, and one of my cousin's girlfriend's was there, so all in all there were ten of us sitting at this table made for at the very most 6! Now that we are older and all the "little" cousins have grown up it isn't as easy to fit us all around that table! :) But I wouldn't change it for anything! After eating we colored/drew on a huge piece of paper that is always in the middle of the table. Usually we sign our name and make a doodle pertaining to the season. And we visited a little.
2. Game 1: Scavenger hunt. We had to search for the following items (and for those of you who don't know my Aunt lives on a HUGE property, so woods, hay fields, giant yard, etc...) I will try to quote the list: Maple leaf, Oak leaf, yellow flower, blue flower, bone, tooth, antler, mushroom, pencil (she planted the pencils in a hay bale), plastic egg with a smiley face (she planted these too and we were not allowed to open the eggs 'til we were finished with the scavenger hunt), white rock, FEATHER (I added this one, but every other year it has been on the list and I could never find one. This time I found 2 and it wasn't on the list!), flint... I think that was it... While searching we stumbled upon a piece of paper that had a clue on it (I'll tell you what it said later), We finally decided that it had to go with another game that we would be playing later... We found almost everything on the list but the eggs... I figured that they were very important, so when everyone else was about to give up looking I and Z went off to find them. We ran towards what they call the T field, and found them laying on the edge of the woods! We grabbed three (one for me, Z, and Vic) and took them back to the porch and sent the rest of them to get their own...
3. Game 2: Inside the egg we found a clue/note that said, "SS find me on the bus seat." So a group of us (Me, Vic, P, Al, Ab, and Z) were together and headed toward my Aunt's school bus. After opening the door there was a note on the step that read, "Oops, did I say the seat? Maybe the US POSTal service can help." We started to walk down the long driveway to the mail box. And P took the clue with us. Meanwhile S and M were just reading the clue from their eggs. We were half way down the driveway when they reached the bus and were searching everywhere inside for the clue! :) I yelled back at them that we had it. P and I walked all the way to the Mail box and grabbed the clue. S and M caught up with us and we read it, "I am always Orange, but sometimes I am Orange And Yellow. The raccoon like me when I am yellow." We finally saw K and C who had disappeared during the scavenger hunt, so as we were waiting on them to catch up with us P, V, and Al started to pet the horses. P was holding the clue when one of the horses sneezed all over him. Grossed out P went inside to change his shirt. The clue was splattered with little greenish dots. *YUCK* But we headed to the barn to find a Orange machine that held corn during parts of the year... S and Z came running out of the barn with the next clue, "We were too naughty to be in the barn with our "Rolled" up friends." And that was to lead us to the clue that we had already found. So, instead of walking all the way to where that clue was we went to where it was going to lead us. We remembered it saying, "If it was Thanksgiving time I would have a body". This led us to the back of the barn where my Aunt stores a wooden turkey head that she places on a round bale at Thanksgiving time! The clue we found there said, "Stop(with a pic of a stop sign) (and it had two street names)". It led to an intersection down the road from my Aunt's house. So we sent S and Z down to get it on the 4 wheeler! They drove back up with it, and it led us to a yellow wagon at the back of the barn where we found a bag of Silly String (SS)! So then we all headed to the front yard to have a Silly String fight!!! Everyone participated (cousin wise) and it was a lot of fun!
4. Then I went inside and colored a few hard boiled eggs. Mine had the initials "RW" on one side and "AM" on the other! ;) After this I was summoned outside by my cousin K. Where he and Vic talked me into riding the 4 Wheeler around the yard! It was fun I have to say! I liked it a LOT better than the dirt bike! After that I chatted with K for a little while, and then more people started to congregate in the driveway, so we gathered the ones that weren't there and played Poison! (A game with a basket ball) All in all I played 4 rounds, but only 2 with everyone. I didn't win ever, but got second once. Ab won 2, K won 1 or 2. I don't remember who won the last round. We then decided to play kickball. It didn't last very long. (just long enough make me sore today! :) )
5. The kickball game ended then we decided to go for our annual egg throwing at the target "game". We each got a dozen eggs and tried to splat them at a target that my Aunt made years ago. Which led to an egg toss that I came in third for the second round. I was the cause for K and my loss on the first time, for I was still wearing my purity ring. Thus it broke when it hit it... :( Oh well!
6. After that we had our egg hunt. We could each find 5 plastic without a name and 2 with our name. All in all I got $1.25 in quarters, a 50 cent piece, and a golden dollar! Fun rewards!! :) All the cousins participated! Another praiseworthy thing!
7. Following the egg hunt we all went inside. Then a few of us participated in the peep game. (You know, those marshmallows covered in sugar! :D ) My Aunt had coded the backs of the peep bunnies with letters and symbols. We had to unscramble words that the letters made! It was fun! Then we had to leave, so after getting a hug from EVERY cousin minus one (WOAH!!! That NEVER happens! It was amazing!), we went home!!
So that was my AMAZING day yesterday!!!! So cool right!!!??? Everyone enjoy their Resurrection Sunday! And remember the real reason we are celebrating! I was thinking about it on the way home from work today. You know, God is AWESOME! He sent His Son to die so that I might go to live with Him forever! WOW! God is so AWESOME!! Have a great weekend!!
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