Sunday, February 15, 2015

Chapter 12 -- The Book of Revelation

Please read Revelation 12!

The Woman and the Dragon

Verses 1-2: Great Significance... What makes this event so significant?  When I see this phrase, I feel like I'm supposed to pay extra special attention!

Verses 3-4: Here's the Significant Event again!  The creatures in the end times prophecies are hard for me to picture/imagine... (maybe I don't really want to picture some of the things mentioned) Seven heads and ten horns... Does that mean it has seven necks too?  Are the heads all attached to each other? Are the "horns" on it's heads or on its back or what?  Ten is not symmetrical to the seven heads, so how would that work?  Would they all look the same or all be different?

Verses 5-6: Who is this child?  It would seem that he has not been born yet... But it is impossible to say really... It could have been Jesus...? Here again is listed the 1,260 days...

Verses 7-9:  In Job we are shown that Satan has been able to "present himself before the Lord." (Job 1:6) This is now permanently put to an end!

Verses 10-12: The end is near!!  Verse 12 points out what I think every time I read verse 9... The devil wasn't using full force on us when he could be elsewhere, but now he'll have nowhere to go except earth...  Could be very bad for some people.

Verses 13-17:  So we know that the dragon is Satan, but who is the woman?  Many times (Especially in Proverbs) Wisdom is referred to as a woman.  Maybe this woman is Wisdom??? Verse 14 once again mentions the times, times, and half a time... Are we Wisdom's children??? (Proverbs 8:32)

So what did we learn from this chapter?  Maybe that wisdom gave birth to Jesus, and now Satan has been thrown down to earth with no possibility to get back into Heaven.  So now he is creating as much destruction and chaos as he can while he still can... But if this theory is correct... What about the 1,260 days that are mentioned a couple times in this chapter?  Is it the amount of time Jesus was ministering on earth before he ascended into Heaven?  What do you think!?!


~ S* 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Chapter 11 -- The Book of Revelation

Please read Revelation Chapter 11

The Two Witnesses (Verses 1-14)

Verses 1-3: Many times throughout the Bible, different people are instructed to measure the temple.  One thousand two hundred and sixty days or forty-two months is a long time.  Elsewhere this amount of time is listed as "times times and half a time".

Verses 4-6: When you read verse six, who from the old testament does this remind you of?  For me it seems to be describing Moses and Elijah.  Many have speculated; however, that it's going to be Enoch and Elijah... This is because they never died; in Hebrews 9:27 it says, "...each person is destined to die once..."

Verses 7-14: I wonder if people celebrated the death of Hitler in the way described here.  I can't imagine celebrating the death of someone in this way.  Verses 11-12 sound similar to what happened with Jesus.  The earthquake is also like the day Jesus rose from the dead... Interesting...

That was a long teror (Remember, it started in 9:13).

7th Trumpet Brings Third Terror (Verses 15-19)

Verses 15-19:  Here, it talks about more Awesome worship in heaven by the 24 elders.  Verse 19 talks about the temple of God, and I find it interesting that the Ark is also mentioned here.  I'd have thought that we wouldn't need the temple at this point.  Another earthquake and hailstorm... To me this shows God's Awesome power.  He is in charge of everything that happens.

What did you learn from this chapter?  Who do you think the two witnesses are?  Will the witnesses be easy to recognize, will we know when they show up?  Will it seem like just a freakish thing?  Or will the government and media try to hide/cover it up?  That could be very interesting!


~ S*