Sunday, June 15, 2014

Chapter 4 -- The Book of Revelation

Please read Revelation chapter four!

Worship in Heaven

Verse 1: "Then as I looked, I saw a door standing open in heaven, and the same voice I had heard before spoke to me like a trumpet blast..." Referring to the voice he heard in 1:11.

Verse 2: "instantly I was in the Spirit"  What does this mean to you?  Would you consider it an out of body experience?  

Verse 4: Who do you believe the 24 elders are?  Do you think they are angels, disciples, apostles, the original sons of Israel, prophets, or maybe a hand-selected special few?

Verses 7-8a: What is the significance of the four living beings?  Do they represent something/someone?  Are they real or was it just a vision?  Why are they covered in eyes? 

  • The ox in particular stands out to me, because I wouldn't normally think of an ox as a very important animal... A lion or an eagle, yes, but an ox?
  • This being could show us that even the people/things we label as insignificant are very important.  Or maybe these beings could be relevant to show importance to people of different beliefs and backgrounds?  For Americans eagles are very significant/important; they represent freedom.  In the Asian community cows (ox?) are sacred animals.  And to many people the lion represents the king of beasts... 
  • How do you interpret the living beings?

Verse 8b-11:  "Day after day and night after night they keep on saying, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty—the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come...'”  

  • I am on the praise and worship team at my church, and this verse has come to me multiple times while worshiping.  What an honor and privilege to honor the Lord in this way!  When worshiping the Lord and possibly staying on a single song for a long time, we can get tired or bored, but this verse shows that God never gets tired or bored when we worship Him!
  • How do you worship the Lord?  What can we do to stay focused on Him constantly?  I would love to hear your thoughts and findings with this chapter!

Have and amazing week!


~ S*