Saturday, September 18, 2010

Out of the Box...

(In a singsongy way...) "Out of the box... Out of the box..."

Sometimes all someone needs is for you to think outside of the box... What could you do to make a situation better/more appealing for another person... Kinda like "thinking of others ahead of yourself." Sometimes we try to do something for someone, and if we don't do it in an entirety then they don't appreciate it... That can be so frustrating... We tried, but it wasn't good enough.

What if we would have thought "out of the box" in that situation??? Would the outcome have been better? Probably...

Example: I need to clean up after dinner, and I put all of the dishes in the dishwasher, washed the empty pots and pans, and wiped the counters. But I don't put away the leftover food, for I don't know what my mom wants me to do with it... (in this situation I can't ask her, for she is busy...) So though the kitchen is mostly clean, I leave a few things out that I am not sure what to do with. Thinking out of the box I might have thought this way, "It would probably bless mom more (and make her happy) if I just clean everything up. I am smart enough to have some kind of idea as to what to do with most everything."

How could you think out of the box? What situation have you been in where you have thought out of the box? I would love to hear your stories!! :)

~ S*

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What to do... What to do...

Have you ever wanted to do something more with your life? Recently I have reconsidered starting a group (kinda like a Bible study but a little less... Shall I say... Boring?). I have thought about it in the past, but nothing ever came of my thoughts. My biggest struggle would be who to invite! I have plenty of ideas for the group itself, but who I would invite has been a struggle... Should it be girls only? If it is, where will we hold the group? Should it be for Christians only? Should there be a specific theme (or idea/message) for the group? Should we include guys... If so do we need a male leader of some sort... All kinds of things need to go into something like this.

I would like to create a fun entertaining environment for the group. As I said above, not "Boring". I have been to Bible studies where I am dreading the day when I need to go to it. I have also been to some that I liked, but there wasn't the kind of fellowship that I desired... I am not an outgoing person, so it will take a bit for me to open up to people. I don't want to have a group where we push someone away because they don't feel included. (I have felt that way before.) I want people to be excited about coming, not dreading it! And I think God would like that too.

Do you have any fun ideas for a group? What kind of things would you like to see at a Bible study, or, what I think I will call, a fellowship group? Games of some kind are a must right!?! And we need something to break the ice... What kind of questions should we ask? Let me know your thoughts!

~ S*

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Leap of Faith!!!

So today is a completely "out of your comfort zone" day for me. I will be going to someone else's church all by myself!! (if you knew me you would know that I NEVER go alone to new places... I usually take my sister). Since my sister is not an option this time, I will be braving this adventure all on my own... (And maybe meeting my future husband in the process??? We shall see...)

Do you ever get nervous? What do you do to prevent it? (I was recently told that bananas help...) What Bible verses help you through your "fight or flight" moments???

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 (Verse 8 is also very good...)

I keep quoting this one to myself. I've been spending quite a bit of my time in prayer the last couple days. Have you ever felt like you just know something is coming? Even if you are not sure if it is good, bad, or indifferent? That pretty much describes me right about now! :)

My dad reminded me that my feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace! Amen to that!! Psalms 91 is pretty encouraging too! (a little too long to type out though...)

All this to say, be encouraged!! We all get nervous for one thing or another. God will never leave us nor forsake us! He will also guide and direct our paths, and deliver us from evil. Sometimes we just need to step out in faith, when we know we are doing the right thing!

~ S*

Saturday, September 4, 2010


What are your priorities? Do they include doing your best, being kind to others, or checking your Facebook account? Who are the people/things that matter the most in your life? Since you know I like to make lists let's view some of mine:

1. God (aka my Lord and Savior) and my relationship with Him
2. My family (currently meaning my parents and sibling and some close relatives)
3. Close Friends
4. My authorities (Bosses, supervisors, law enforcement, Pastors, teachers, etc...)
5. Acquaintances (could be Facebook friends, neighbors, etc...)

Other priorities:
1. Asking God for wisdom, guidance, and direction.
2. Reading God's Word daily.
3. Studying what God's Word says (can be through my correspondence course)
4. Being obedient and respectful
5. Being a good example to others
6. Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman for my future spouse
7. Praying for others including my future spouse.
8. Being a good listener to those who need it.

As you can see... I am trying to make God my number one priority in everything. Following what the Bible says in terms of obedience and what is right and wrong are great steps in the right direction. Are you struggling with multiple things on your plate? Are you wondering what to do about certain things going on in your life? Make a list of priorities. What things are most important to you... Your faith, your reputation, your job, doing what God's Word says no matter what... What are your priorities?

~ S*