Sunday, November 16, 2014

Chapter 9 -- The Book of Revelation

Please read Revelation Chapter 9.

The Fifth Trumpet Bring the First Terror

Verses 1-2 "A star that had fallen from the sky..."  (see Chapter 8:10-11) Could this be talking about that same star?

Verses 3-6:  It is very specific here about who would be tortured.  Like the Israelite in the time of Moses, the people who had the seal of God were protected. (Exodus 8:22-23; 9:4-6, 26; 10:23, 11:4-7)

Verses 7-12:  What do you think these "locusts" are?  In Bible times Peter had never heard of a helicopter or drone... Do you think this is what he's describing?

The 6th Trumpet Brings the Second Terror

Verses 13-16:  I find it interesting that there are specifically four angels prepared for this specific time, but there army is "200 million troops"! And who are these troops?  Angels? It does not specify!?!

Verses 17-19:  The colors of the armor are the primary colors... Sulfur smells horrible.  I can begin to imagine how terrible these plagues must be.

Verse 20:  I wonder if the people with the seal of God, as mentioned in verse four, will be protected from this terror as well?  The people who didn't die that are mentioned in verse 20 are not including the people with the seal of God, right? A little confusing there for me.

Verse 20-21: Idol worship is mentioned here.  The first and greatest commandment... "Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength! (click here to see an earlier post on present day idolatry)  Notice the other specific sins mentioned here: murder, witchcraft, sexual immorality and theft...  How do you think America (or even the world) is ranking in that list of sinful activity today?  Sounds awfully familiar doesn't it?

Every day it becomes more and more evident that the end times are near. In the Gospels it mentions "as in the days of Noah... so it will be when the Son of Man comes..." (Matthew 24:37-39, Luke 17:26-27).  Does it seem like we're living in the days of Noah to you?

What insights have you gained while reading this chapter?


~ S*

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