Friday, December 16, 2011

Nativity (Part 2)

Did you watch it yet??? Well, before you read on here is one last chance... Last week I encouraged you to watch "The Nativity Story" and read Matthew and Luke's versions of the story to compare them... I also suggested you make a list of the things the movie got wrong... How many did you get? Did you get some I didn't catch? Below is my list:

1. Luke 1:19: The angel Gabriel appeared to Zachariah at the right of the altar... In the movie Zachariah only heard a voice...

2. Luke 1:13 Zachariah's prayers were answered by Elizabeth bearing him a son. In the movie he acted like he had never heard tell of the idea...

3. Luke 1:20 Zachariah was told he would be able to speak the day it happened. In the movie this was not mentioned.

4. Luke 1:24 Fact: Elizabeth remained in seclusion for five months after becoming pregnant.

5. Luke 1:36 Fact: (goes with #7) Elizabeth was in her sixth month when Mary first saw Gabriel. Fact: It does not mention weather or not Mary already knew that Elizabeth was pregnant before the angel came to her...

6. Luke 1:40 Mary entered Zachariah's house and greeted Elizabeth. In the movie she was outside...

7. Luke 1:56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months. It does not say that Mary was or wasn't there; however, following the times that were written, it would seem that she was there when Elizabeth gave birth to John the Baptist...

8. Luke 1:62-64 When learning what John the Baptist's name was going to be the people asked/made signs to Zachariah to ask what the baby's name was to be. Zachariah wrote John and then he could speak.

9. Matthew 1:20-21 An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. Fact: It does not specify who the angel was or what the dream was about. I think that whenever Gabriel was revealed to anyone he would have been mentioned by name...

10. Luke 2:6 "While they were there" the baby came. Fact: It doesn't say she was in labor and they got there in the nick of time... They could have been there for a week...

11. Luke 2:13 A "Company" or "Multitude" of heavenly hosts appeared with the angel praising God. In the movie you just see one angel. Fact: Once again it does not specify that the angel was Gabriel...

12. Luke 2:16 When the shepherds came the baby was "lying in the manger" just like the angel said. In the movie Mary is holding Jesus...

13. Matthew 2:1 The Bible does not specify the number of Magi. It has been assumed that there were three because of the three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh... But I personally do not agree with that number...

14. Matthew 2:2, 7, 9-10 It was A star, not three joining together. It has been proven by planetarium that it wasn't some fluke phenomenon like the movie depicts...

15. Matthew 2:1-4 After the Magi arrived and announced they saw the star then Herod, the chief priests, and teachers of the law asked them where the Christ was to be born. (It says nothing of previous killings or inspections.) It appears (biblically Verse 3) that Herod had not considered the idea at all until the Magi came... The movie makes it appear as though Herod has been searching and doing everything in his power to prevent the predicted King from taking over his throne...

16. Matthew 2:7 Herod called in the Magi secretly to find out when they first saw the star. In the movie they talked around a very full table with little children present.

17. Matthew 2:11 The Magi came to a house and saw the child with his mother. It is almost certain that the Magi were not there when Jesus was born, but instead arrived when he was between 24 and 15 months old. Thus the Magi would not have been present when the shepherds were there, nor would they have seen Jesus lying in a manger...

18. Matthew 2: 16 (Continuing from 17...) The above statement also explains why Herod had children killed that were two and younger... The age has to do with how long the star had been visible to the Magi...

19. Matthew 2:12 The Magi were "warned in a dream" not to go back to Herod. In the movie they just play it as they thought Herod was creepy, and they were wise enough not to go back to him...

20. Matthew 2:13-14 Not long after the Magi left an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream (once again does not say if the angel was Gabriel) and told him to take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. So he got up in the night and left. In the movie they are still in the cave/stable, and they leave while the soldiers are knocking on other houses looking to kill the children. They would have been in a house, if Jesus was almost two years old, and most likely they would not have "just escaped" right before the soldiers opened the house door... They could have fled days before the episode or the night before...

So there you have it... My take on the incorrectness of "The Nativity Story". Do you agree? Did you find other things that didn't match up with what the Bible says? I also don't think the angel visits to Mary, Joseph, or the shepherds would have been in any way creepy or mysterious... Let me know what you think!

~ S*

1 comment:

  1. I think you spent a great deal of time researching this out!! As if the story God, Himself wrote were not wonderful enough....I guess Hollywood had to dumb it down for common people!! So sad that they can't just read and go with truth......
